Saturday, 13 April 2013


2-Dimensional Universes

See "The Planiverse" by A. K. Dewdney on my Book List.

Hyperspheres and Hyperballs

The volume of an n-dimensional hypercube is simply sn where s is the length of a side.
What is the volume of an n-dimensional hyperball?
First, let's define some terms. A circle is the 1-dimensional rim (boundary) of 2-dimensional disk. A sphere is the 2-dimensional surface (boundary) of a 3-dimensional ball. Hyperspheres (n-spheres) and hyperballs (n-balls) can have different numbers of dimensions. A regular sphere is a 2-sphere. A regular ball is a 3-ball. A circle can also be called a 1-sphere. A disk can also be called a 2-ball.
The n-content is the n-dimensional "volume" of a geometric shape. For example:
the 1-content of a circle is its circumference,
the 2-content of a disk is its area,
the 2-content of a sphere (a 2-sphere) is its surface area,
the 3-content of a ball (a 3-ball) is its volume,
the 3-content of a 3-sphere is its hyper-surface-area, and
the 4-content of a 4-ball is its hyper-volume.
Here is a table showing, for different dimensions, the n-content ("volume") of hyperballs and the boundary (n-1)-content ("surface area") of their corresponding hyperspheres:
Dimension (n) Full Shape Full n-Content
Boundary Shape Boundary (n-1)-Content
("surface area")
2 disk (2-ball) π r2 circle (1-sphere) 2π r
3 ball (3-ball) (4/3)π r3 sphere (2-sphere) 4π r2
4 4-ball (1/2)π2r4 3-sphere 2r3
5 5-ball (8/15)π2r5 4-sphere (8/3)π2r4
6 6-ball (1/6)π3r6 5-sphere π3r5
7 7-ball (16/105)π3r7 6-sphere (16/15)π3r6
Isn't it strange that the power of π increases by one only when the dimension increases by two?
In general, the n-content ("volume") of an n-dimensional hyperball is:
if n is even: (1/(n/2)!)πn/2rn
if n is odd: (2n((n-1)/2)!/n!)π(n-1)/2rn
  or (2(n+1)/2/n!!)π(n-1)/2rn
where n! = n(n-1)(n-2)... (factorial) and n!! = n(n-2)(n-4)... (double factorial).
In general, the boundary "surface area" ((n-1)-content) of an n-dimensional hyperball is the "volume" (n-content) multiplied by (n/r).
Using differential calculus, you can find the "surface area" ((n-1)-content) of an n-ball by differentiating its "volume" (n-content) with respect to the radius, r. This is a fun exercise for calculus beginners.
Using integral calculus, you can derive the formulas for n-dimensional balls based on the formulas for (n-1)-dimensional balls. The "volume" of an n-dimensional ball can be found by integrating the "surface area" of (n-1)-dimensional spherical shells from 0 to r, like the layers of an onion.

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